

it is famous. Buying a good pomegranate requires knowledge of the characteristics of different types of pomegranate. Given that there are more than 700 species of pomegranates in Iran, it is very difficult to distinguish good pomegranate from all of them, good pomegranate is heavy in size,

 The skin of a ripe pomegranate fruit is softer, thinner, more colorful, tastier, and has more sugar and volume than unripe fruit, and if we touch the fruit with our hands, it should make a metallic sound. These experiences will help us have a better impression next year.

Pomegranate fruit should be picked as soon as it ripens, otherwise most large fruits will be damaged and cracked due to the cold weather.

The most important pest of this fruit


The most important pest of this fruit is “throat worm”, which can enter the fruit from the pomegranate crown. So when shopping, look at the pomegranate throat first; If it is a little black, there is a high probability of throat cream in it, so it is better not to choose it. Also, avoid pomegranates that have more than half of their skin sunburned.

Having the above characteristics in pomegranate fruit can be a sign of its quality
